Suggestions & Recommendations

Suggestions To Parents

1.Parents are requested to look into their children's home work diaries every day and see that the lesson and home work assigned for the next day are done.

2.Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities in enforcing regularity and discipline and see that the children prepare their lesson and tests and also take on active interest in all school activities.

3.Parents are recommended to call at the principal office at least once in each term, to ascertain the conduct progress of their children.

4.Private tuition's are not encouraged. It they are necessary, it is advised to the parents to Consult the principal and obtained written permission.

5.Criticism of student's teacher or his school in the presence of the children should be Avoided,because it causes the student to lose respect for his teacher and the school.

6.Parents are not allowed to see their children or to interview their teacher during school groups with out the permission of the Principal.

7.Parents teacher meetings are a regular feature of this institution.

8.The school recognized that the maximum benefit of any service to children will only be realized through, close-co-operations with their parents.


1.Students must come to school smartly dressed in the school uniform.

2. Every Student must develop the habit of being punctual is expected to be presented in the morning assembly. Late arrival may be sent at home.

3. We accept every students to be polite, friendly and well behaved in & outside the school.

4. Students are accepted to be respectful to wards the school authorities.

5. Students must be honest and truthful, whatever be the cost.

6. Students must accept the work and responsibility entrusted to them with cheerfulness and face difficulties with courage and firm determination.

7. The school has been divided in to four house, Peace house, Unity house, Hope House, Noble house, Students selected sd the house captains are expected to do their duties carefully and to the full satisfaction of the school authorities.


1.The Managing Body of the school reserves the right to waive off any of the rules contained in the prospectus without assigning any reason to its action.

2. The interpretations of any amendment to the prospectus rests solely and entirely with the Managing Body of the school, its interpretation shall be final and binding on parents/ guardians and student of this institutions.

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